The Shaker sisters held a service auction in October. It is an annual activity that they do each Fall. They look forward to it as it is an opportunity for sisters to serve one another in more personal ways and build unity in their Relief Society.
They had each sister fill out a survey of a random assortment of questions that gave them points. They then used these points to "buy" services at the auction.
They donated their services or goods to the sisters in the ward at the auction Each item or service was auctioned off to the highest bidder that night. Some ideas included:
Lessons in knitting or crocheting
Baby blankets
Computer lessons
Quilting lessons
Dance Lessons
Scrapbook kits or premade pages
1 hour of cleaning
Snow shoveling
Cinnamon rolls or other homemade treats
Sewing lessons
Birthday cake
Homemade Jewelry
Set of homemade candles
Professional family photo
2 hours of geneology work
Baseboard cleaning
They had a light dinner with the evening, with baby-sitting provided. It was a huge hit!